HSI demo
/Request a personal demo session to discover imec’s hyperspectral cameras

Request a personal demo session to discover imec’s hyperspectral cameras

Whether you’re active in surveillance, robotics, precision agriculture, remote sensing, quality control, medicine & health, forensics, art & heritage, or other domains, hyperspectral imaging can change the way you do research. Or it can help to create new solutions for your customers.

Imec has developed a patented on-chip hyperspectral-filter technology and unique software that enables user-friendly and compact hyperspectral cameras.

Request your demo session

No better way to discover the unique capabilities of this solution, than by visiting our virtual demo room. It houses several of our high-resolution hyperspectral scanning cameras and multispectral video-rate cameras. Our expert Wouter Charle and his colleagues will welcome you in a one-on-one demo session and will answer all your questions on your specific application or use case.

Ready to start your hyperspectral journey?

Request your demo session