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/Publications & events/Webinar: how on-chip SWIR spectral imaging advances your business

Webinar: how on-chip SWIR spectral imaging advances your business

Are you eager to innovate by tapping into detailed information on the compositions of materials and objects without needing specialized expertise in spectral imaging?

This webinar presents user-friendly on-chip filter technology for spectral imaging in the short-wave infrared (SWIR). Watch how this technology performs with high spectral resolution for lab applications and with video-rate capabilities for field applications.

This webinar was realized in collaboration with optics.org.

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What you will learn

Innovative on-chip filter technology is reshaping the landscape of spectral imaging. It makes systems more compact, real-time, power-efficient, and customizable. Most importantly, it enables cameras with exceptional user-friendliness. They become accessible even to those without specialized spectral imaging and data interpretation expertise.

In this session, we will demonstrate two SWIR spectral cameras using this on-chip filter technology:

  1. A high-resolution SWIR spectral camera that generates a high-quality hypercube with an unmatched spatial and spectral resolution. This camera can be used for various research applications in which a detailed study of material or object composition is needed. Examples are sorting, food inspection and digital microscopy for pathology. Of particular note is the integrated scanning system within the camera, eliminating the need for cumbersome translating stages or belts.
  2. A video-rate SWIR spectral camera ideal for in-field applications. Because its acquisition is without motion artifacts, it’s perfect for studying moving objects or scenes. The camera concept allows it to be mounted on handheld devices, robots, or crewless vehicles operating in the field. The applicability extends across diverse domains, including health, space exploration, and machine vision.

Join this session to witness firsthand how on-chip SWIR spectral imaging redefines industry standards and opens doors to uncharted possibilities.

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Wouter Charle

Wouter Charle is the program manager for spectral imaging technology at imec. With his background in physics, software engineering, and 3D machine vision, he joined imec in 2014 at the beginning of imec’s spectral imaging activities. Having contributed from the start to both technology and application development in this program, he’s now leading future developments by setting up strategic partnerships and collaborations to establish the technology in the market.

Ash Prabala

Ash Prabala has over thirty years of experience in photonics, optics, and imaging. He founded DVC Company in 1998 to design and manufacture cameras for scientific imaging applications such as life sciences microscopy and materials sciences and inspection. In 2011, DVC Company was acquired by Thorlabs. After spending several years as chief technologist at Thorlabs, Ash serves in an advisory capacity at several companies and as managing director of Scientific Imaging, Inc. He is passionate about helping scientists and engineers succeed in their scientific imaging projects.

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